Local Area SEND Inspections

All Local Areas in England are jointly inspected by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQQ) to monitor the implementation of the SEND reforms and the delivery of positive outcomes for children and young people with SEND.

The Warwickshire Local Area inspection took place from 12th-16th July 2021. Following the inspection, Ofsted and CQC published a report in the form of an outcome letter.

The outcome of the inspection is that the local area is required to produce and submit a Written Statement of Action to Ofsted that explains how the local area will tackle the following areas of significant weakness:

  1. the waiting times for ASD assessments, and weaknesses in the support for children and young people awaiting assessment and following diagnosis of ASD
  2. the fractured relationships with parents and carers and lack of clear communication and co-production at a strategic level
  3. the incorrect placement of some children and young people with EHC plans in specialist settings, and mainstream school leaders’ understanding of why this needs to be addressed
  4. the lack of uptake of staff training for mainstream primary and secondary school staff to help them understand and meet the needs of children and young people with SEND
  5. the quality of the online local offer

We worked with Warwickshire County Council and Coventry & Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group to develop the Written Statement of Action which can be found here.

Due to changes in the Inspection Framework Warwickshire was not revisited as expected 18 months after the inspection but we continue to have monitoring meetings with the Department for Education and NHS England representatives.

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