about us


We are a voluntary group of parent carers, all experts by experience, with a lived understanding of how challenging life can be raising a child with additional needs and / or disabilities.

Our aim is to gather the voices of Warwickshire parent carers and let these be heard to ensure that services meet the needs of our children and our families.

We do this by gathering views and experiences in a variety of ways to suit all circumstances. We then work in partnership with the local authority, education settings, health and other providers to highlight where local services and processes are working well or challenge when changes or improvements need to be made.

Although we are not a support group, we have lots of resources and information and our Facebook so you never need to feel like you are all alone.

We also provide training and signposting in the areas needed to provide information and empowerment to parent carers.

In a post Covid world we will be hosting events to give families an opportunity to come together. We will provide information, facilitate the sharing of stories and enable parent cares to support each other and create change.

Our Steering Group

Our Steering Group is made up of parent carers from across Warwickshire.
















About us

We are a voluntary group of parent carers, all experts by experience, with a lived understanding of how challenging life can be raising a child with additional needs and / or disabilities.

Our aim is to gather the voices of Warwickshire parent carers and let these be heard to ensure that services meet the needs of our children and our families.

Join Us

You can become a Member of Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice if you have a child age 0-25 with any Special Educational Need or Disability (whether they have a diagnosis or not) and you live in or access services for your child in Warwickshire.



We run almost entirely on volunteers, our Steering Group, our Parent Reps and those who help out at events or coffee mornings or with admin. We need you to help us build Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice into an organisation that can make a difference in shaping co-produced services, taking into account the needs and preferences of parent carers of children and young people with SEND.

Links & Support

Help us build this into the ultimate signposting resource so that the parent carers in Warwickshire can find all the information they need quickly.

What We've done

Find out what your Parent Carer Forum is up to and what’s been happening for families of children and young people with SEND in Warwickshire.

News & Events



Statement on the Publication of the Decision Notices - June 2024 We note that the investigation into the comments made by Councillors Claire Golby, Brian Hammersly and Jeff Morgan at the meeting of the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 25th...

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Kidz to adultz show

Kidz to adultz show

Come and see us at the Kidz to Adultz Show on 14th March at the Coventry Building Society Arena book your FREE tickets here.

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Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee

You may have seen the news reporting about last Thursday’s Children & Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee and seen some of the comments made by our County Councillors. We just wanted to let you know how we are working with our elected officials. Having...

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EBSA Focus Groups

Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice are currently working with education, health and social care to develop a pathway, training and toolkit for children and young people who struggle with Emotionally Based School Avoidance (you may also have heard attendance difficulties...

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inclusive schools

inclusive schools

We are currently carrying our a survey to find out how inclusive parents in Warwickshire feel our schools are - please complete it here https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/WarwickshireInclusion/ (closing date Sunday 19th February).

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Administrator required

Administrator required

Are you an admin whizz? If so we need you! We are recruiting an administrator to support the ongoing development of our organisation. Full details and application form here. Closing date: Midnight Sunday 19th February 2023. Interviews will be held week commencing 27th...

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Exclusions Film

Exclusions Film

We are really proud to share this film to support families facing the exclusion of their child at school. We co-produced this with students from University of Warwick and Warwickshire County Council to help families understand the legal processes....

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Inclusive Schools Charter

Inclusive Schools Charter

After many months of hard work the new Inclusion Charter has been launched and schools across Warwickshire are being asked to show their commitment to providing an inclusive education for all children and young people.  The Charter was coproduced with Warwickshire...

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local offer

local offer

We are really pleased to be working with Warwickshire County Council and Kids at this session to improve the Local Offer website. We'd love to see you there and if you have a young person aged 12-25 please do get your young people to sign up too.

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