We are really pleased that Warwickshire is working together with Coventry, Birmingham and Solihull to be part of the Autism in Schools pilot. This project will work with two mainstream secondary schools in each Local Authority area.

Our Autism in Schools Project aims to:

  • Co-produce training resources regarding identity with schools and provide a package of training for schools to help autistic pupils understand their identity.
  • Build stronger relationships between schools and parents/carers, enabling a strong school community where schools and parents and carers can work together to build better outcomes for children and young people.
  • Support schools to adapt their environments so that they are accessible and inclusive to all.

Kenilworth School and Kingsbury School are the schools that have been selected for Warwickshire. If you are a parent carer with a child attending one of those schools and would like more information about how you can get involved please contact us.

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