

    There is lots going on in Warwickshire at the moment and it is an exciting time to be part of the parent carer forum.

    We are involved with a number of projects and take your voice to the strategic meetings.

    We will let you know what we are doing here and on our facebook page and in turn would love to hear YOUR views in order to feedback to WCC.

    It’s not co production yet but the beginnings of it and we need YOU to help develop this further.


    COntinence SErvice Update

    COntinence SErvice Update

    Thank you to everyone who contributed to our call for information on the Continence Service. Background Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice (WPCV) became aware of the challenges families were facing with accessing continence services and asked David Widdas (Designated...

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    Pilot SEND AREA Inspection

    Pilot SEND AREA Inspection

    This briefing is to give parent carers a guide to what the pilot inspection is about and what will happen as part of this process. What is a SEND Inspection? Area SEND Inspections are jointly carried out by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) who inspect...

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    Continence service

    Continence service

    Hope the poo emojis catch your attention and make you smile but this is a serious request Following feedback received through our feedback form we raised the issue of the lack of Continence Services for Children and...

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    We are working with Solihull Parent Carer Voice and Birmingham Parent Carer Forum to put on a session about the SEND Green Paper at 10am on Tuesday 14th June - if you want to know more, have any questions etc please do come along. To register please scan the QR code...

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    Carer’s Week

    Carer’s Week

    This week is Carer's Week and the theme is about making caring visible, valued and supported. So this is our 'big shout out' to all the parent carers in Warwickshire.

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    mileage rates

    mileage rates

    We are pleased to hear that following our enquiries into mileage rates paid to parents for home school transport the offer was increased to 45p per mile with effect from the start of the summer term, applied to everyone in receipt of travel payments.

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    Together with autism conference

    Together with autism conference

    We had a great time meeting parents at the Act for Autism Conference on Saturday. We asked parent carers what they wanted people to know about their autistic children and have gathered this in this graphic which we have shared with the commissioners.

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    Home School Transport

    Home School Transport

    29th March 2022 10.30am-12pm Online (zoom) FREE Book here Find out more about your child's rights to home to school transport (including for post-16 and post-19)

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    SEND Survey

    SEND Survey

    Our 2022 SEND Survey is now live. Local education, health and social care services work together to provide services for children and young people who have special education needs and / or disabilities (SEND) and their families. Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice wants...

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    About us

    We are a voluntary group of parent carers, all experts by experience, with a lived understanding of how challenging life can be raising a child with additional needs and / or disabilities.

    Our aim is to gather the voices of Warwickshire parent carers and let these be heard to ensure that services meet the needs of our children and our families.

    Join Us

    You can become a Member of Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice if you have a child age 0-25 with any Special Educational Need or Disability (whether they have a diagnosis or not) and you live in or access services for your child in Warwickshire.



    We run almost entirely on volunteers, our Steering Group, our Parent Reps and those who help out at events or coffee mornings or with admin. We need you to help us build Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice into an organisation that can make a difference in shaping co-produced services, taking into account the needs and preferences of parent carers of children and young people with SEND.

    Links & Support

    Help us build this into the ultimate signposting resource so that the parent carers in Warwickshire can find all the information they need quickly.

    What We've done

    Find out what your Parent Carer Forum is up to and what’s been happening for families of children and young people with SEND in Warwickshire.

    Get in touch

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