Useful Links
We want to build a comprehensive list of all the local groups involving SEND families in Warwickshire (or just over the border if that’s the closest group to you!). Use our Contact Form here to tell us about them, or message us on Facebook.
Useful Links
About us
We are a voluntary group of parent carers, all experts by experience, with a lived understanding of how challenging life can be raising a child with additional needs and / or disabilities.
Our aim is to gather the voices of Warwickshire parent carers and let these be heard to ensure that services meet the needs of our children and our families.
Join Us
You can become a Member of Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice if you have a child age 0-25 with any Special Educational Need or Disability (whether they have a diagnosis or not) and you live in or access services for your child in Warwickshire.
We run almost entirely on volunteers, our Steering Group, our Parent Reps and those who help out at events or coffee mornings or with admin. We need you to help us build Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice into an organisation that can make a difference in shaping co-produced services, taking into account the needs and preferences of parent carers of children and young people with SEND.
Links & Support
Help us build this into the ultimate signposting resource so that the parent carers in Warwickshire can find all the information they need quickly.
What We've done
Find out what your Parent Carer Forum is up to and what’s been happening for families of children and young people with SEND in Warwickshire.
News & Events
welcome to wpcv
As a new forum starting from scratch it’s a lot of relationship building and working out which meetings our partners want us to attend and where we think we should be involved to influence the decisions being taken. There is a lot to take in and we are...