Get involved

Join Us – our strength is in our numbers

You can become a Member of Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice if you have a child age 0-25 with any Special Educational Need or Disability (whether they have a diagnosis or not) and you live in or access services for your child in Warwickshire.

Membership is FREE – join by completing our membership form

Why be a member?

  • Receive our newsletter for local, regional and national SEND news and updates
  • Tell us your views and ideas via surveys and consultations
  • Access WPCV events and training

We also offer an associate membership for professionals and support group contacts who are not eligible for individual membership but who are interested in supporting our work – sign up here to get our newsletters.

You can also choose to get more involved on Facebook and Twitter

We need you to help us build Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice into an organisation that can make a difference in shaping co-produced services taking into account the needs and preferences of parent carers of children and young people with SEND.

Join us here and tick the volunteer check box to help us in our mission.

Become a WPCV Rep

WPCV Reps work with the Steering Group to ensure that parental views are fed back to those who provide local services. They do this by talking to local families to gather information and by attending meetings with service providers.
Contact us for more information about how to get involved

Join the Steering Group

The role of the steering group is to help shape the direction of the forum. The steering group meets at least once every half term to review the work plan and set the future work. The steering group also makes financial decisions and authorise any expenditure inline with the finance policy of the forum. Steering group members act as representatives attending meetings and events.
Contact us for more information about how to get involved

Give us your feedback

We have a feedback survey where you can share your experiences or feel free to complete the form below.

feedback form

About us

We are a voluntary group of parent carers, all experts by experience, with a lived understanding of how challenging life can be raising a child with additional needs and / or disabilities.

Our aim is to gather the voices of Warwickshire parent carers and let these be heard to ensure that services meet the needs of our children and our families.

Join Us

You can become a Member of Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice if you have a child age 0-25 with any Special Educational Need or Disability (whether they have a diagnosis or not) and you live in or access services for your child in Warwickshire.



We run almost entirely on volunteers, our Steering Group, our Parent Reps and those who help out at events or coffee mornings or with admin. We need you to help us build Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice into an organisation that can make a difference in shaping co-produced services, taking into account the needs and preferences of parent carers of children and young people with SEND.

Links & Support

Help us build this into the ultimate signposting resource so that the parent carers in Warwickshire can find all the information they need quickly.

What We've done

Find out what your Parent Carer Forum is up to and what’s been happening for families of children and young people with SEND in Warwickshire.

News & Events

SEND Survey

SEND Survey

Our 2022 SEND Survey is now live. Local education, health and social care services work together to provide services for children and young people who have special education needs and / or disabilities (SEND) and their families. Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice wants...

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Written Statement of ACtion

Written Statement of ACtion

Following the Ofsted and Care Quality Commission (CQC) local area inspection of Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) in July 2021, Warwickshire County Council and Coventry and Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group in conjunction with Warwickshire...

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Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas

Wishing all our families and supporters a Happy Christmas and best wishes for 2022. We will be taking a break (as soon as the Written Statement of Action has been sent to Ofsted) and will be back in the New Year.

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Feedback Survey

Feedback Survey

Do you have some feedback for us? Something making you ? Our new feedback survey is now open for you to let us know your current experiences as they happen. This will be open permanently and the responses will be reviewed monthly and will used to help us understand...

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Autism in schools project

Autism in schools project

We are really pleased that Warwickshire is working together with Coventry, Birmingham and Solihull to be part of the Autism in Schools pilot. This project will work with two mainstream secondary schools in each Local Authority area. Our Autism in Schools Project aims...

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Thank you to everyone who completed our survey, you can read our full summary here. The survey of parent carers was carried out between 12th and 22nd October 2021 to find out parent carers views on the SEND inspection report. Parent Carers were asked what they thought...

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Today we launched our new Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice (WPCV) Panel. This an online community of WPCV members that is used to help the Steering Group with wider coproduction / opinion gathering and for sharing opportunities for further involvement. Any member of...

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Partnership Agreement signed

Partnership Agreement signed

Our very first co-produced document has finally been signed off by the representatives from Warwickshire County Council and Coventry and Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group. We started working on this back in the spring and held sessions with various members of...

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Inspection letter published

Inspection letter published

The Local Area SEND inspection report is now published, you can view it here.   The local area is now required to produce and submit a Written Statement of Action toOfsted that explains how the local area will tackle the following areas of significantweakness:...

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